Entity’s full name *
Postal address *
Contact person*
Telephone numbers *
The name of Director *
The name of Financial manager/Chief accountant *
Tel. * |
Ownership and organizational category*
Information about separated divisions
number: |
Registration (re-registration) date*
Information about the founders*
Number of fulltime employees *
Industry/type of entity’s
Suppliers and contractors*
(in Ukraine) (abroad) |
Foreign economic activity
(approximate number of contracts, partners) (approximate number of contracts, partners) |
Number of accountants engaged
Form of accounting
Automation of accounting process (Software)
Taxation system applicable
Tax exemption (if any)
List of taxes chargeable and specific exemptions
Internal assessment of accounting performance
Last balance sheet figures
(reporting date)
Reviews in eth reporting period
Purpose and type of audit
Period to be audited
Preferable timeframe for audit works
Language of reporting papers
Additional information
IMPORTANT: Our commercial offer will be prepared under the condition that we are provided with the financial statements (BS, P&L) over the period to be audited and other important information. |