Representing Clients’ interests
within the relationship with contractors:
- participation in negotiations with Client’s contractors, including the time of concluding the agreements/contracts with those;
- at pre-court settling the disputes: preparing the claims , responses to claims
- maintenance of employee hiring and dismissals;
- legal aid at solution of labour related disputes.
at judicial trials by courts of general jurisdiction, economic and administrative courts of all instances:
- legal assessment of disputable situations with recommendations regarding further actions;
- preparing the writs, responses to writs, applications and other relevant procedural papers;
- preparing appeals and complaints, legal objections and responses to appeals and complaints;
- participation in court sittings;
- preparing the necessary documents and legal support (representing the interest) on the issues which arise during fulfillment of court decisions.
within the relationship with controlling bodies:
- lawyers’ assessment of legal validity of addresses and inspections conducted by public prosecutor offices, tax administrations, customs offices, control-and audit offices and other supervisory authorities;
- legal examinations of acts drawn up upon the results of inspections by public prosecutor offices, tax administrations, customs offices and other supervisory authorities, preparation of remarks and objections to those;
- preparation of responses to queries, statements, solicitations and addresses to public bodies, complaints against the wrongful actions of their officers;
- appeal of actions and decisions of tax and other fiscal bodies in the administrative order, and in case of necessity – their judicial appeal.
within the relationship with other public executive bodies, including, but not limited to, at:
- Ministry of Justice of Ukraine;
- Ministry of Economy of Ukraine;
- Antimonopoly Committee of Ukraine;
- National Bank of Ukraine;
- State Property Fund;
- State Commission for Regulating the Financial Services Markets;
- State Security and Capital Market Commission;
- State Committee for Television and Radio Broadcasting;
- State Employments Center of Ministry of Labour of Ukraine;
- Tender Chamber of Ukraine ;
- bodies for consumer rights protection;
- funds for state mandatory social insurance.