Our history
- Kyiv Audit Group prepared The Transparency Report for 2018 in accordance with the requirements of Article 37 of the Law of Ukraine "On Audit of Financial Reporting and Auditing" of 21.12.2017 ¹2258-VIII;
- The Alliance Praxity is fourthy in six years named the Association of the Year 2019, according to the International Standard Edition IAB;
- Participation in the Annual International Conference of the Global Alliance of Independent Accounting and Auditing Firms Praxity in Athens (Greece).
- Participation in the Annual International Conference of the International Alliance of Independent Accounting and Auditing Firms Praxity in Sydney (Australia);
- entering information about the company into all 4 Chapters of the Register of Auditors and Auditors, which is conducted by the Audit Chamber of Ukraine in accordance with the requirements of Law No. 2258 (registration number 1560).
- Participation in the Annual International Conference of the International Alliance of Independent Accounting and Auditing Firms Praxity in San Francisco (California, USA);
- The membership of the Praxity International Alliance is confirmed by the Ñertificate;
- annual confirmation of the status of "ENTERPRISE OF THE YEAR 2017", "LEADER OF THE INDUSTRY 2017" in the relevant KVED "Activities in the field of accounting and auditing".
- The 20th anniversary of sustainable success and growth of Kyiv Audit Group in Ukraine;
- improvement of business processes, differentiation of services by their types;
- annual confirmation of the status of "ENTERPRISE OF THE YEAR 2016", "LEADER OF THE INDUSTRY 2016" in the relevant KVED "Activities in the field of accounting and auditing".
- participation in the practical Conference of financiers, accountants, lawyers "Taxes and Law 2016" as a speaker, as well as the official Partner of the event;
- the second time received confirmation of compliance with the quality control of professional services - Certificate AAP No. 0545;
- annual confirmation of the status of "ENTERPRISE OF THE YEAR 2015", "LEADER OF THE INDUSTRY 2015" in the relevant KVED "Activities in the field of accounting and auditing".
- receipt of the award of ÀÑÑÀ Approved Employer – Trainee Development, Gold;
- launch of the project 'Tax Alert' aimed to provide information support to partners and prospects on a periodic basis;
- Alliance Praxity was awarded Association of the Year 2014;
- reaffirmed the status INDUSTRY LEADER 2014 and ENTITY OF THE YEAR 2014 according to “Accounting and auditing activity”.
- participation in Annual Praxity Global Conference in Vancouver (Canada);
- award of the honorary status LEADER in Audit, Accountancy and Consulting 2012;
- confirmation of the status «Entity of the Year 2012» according to the field-specific KVED “Accounting and auditing activity”.
- Participation in the Annual European Conference and Tax Meeting of the Global Alliance of Independent Audit and Accounting Firms - Praxity in Bremen (Germany);
- Participation in the events held by EBA «EBA in PRINT» as a business-partner;
- Active brand-promotion and popularization of the Global Alliance Praxity in the Ukrainian business environment.
- creation of a new special area of activity of the company as well as creation of Accounting Outsoursing Services Department as a new branch in company structure;
- Participation in the International Forum «Finansova Ukraina - 2008» as a sponsor-partner;
- Realization of the social project «Open your heart to children!»
- 10 years of successful performance;
- active cooperation with foreign companies, servicing the entities with foreign investments;
- joint projects with “Big Four” auditors;
- participation at the National IPO (Initial Public Offering) committee;
- occurence of the three industry leaders for the rating «Ði-rating of audit and consulting companies, 2006».
- obtaining the member status from the American Chamber of Commerce in Ukraine;
- “ÀF “Kyiv Audit Group” obtained the status of an ACCA Accredited Employer, which provides for an opportunity to use progressive experience of training practices of the Association of Chartered Certified Accountants (ÀÑÑÀ) for professional development of the Company’s employees;
- reorganization of the Company into a limited liability company “ÀF “Kyiv Àudit Group”.
- obtaining the full member status from the European Business Association (EBA);
- initiating and direct participation in establishing the Ukrainian Association of Certified Accountants and Auditors (UACAA).
- enlargement of service range, building up international links by the Company;
- adapting and practical application of IFAC’s ethical and auditing standards;
- entering the international association of independent auditors Moores Rowland International.
- participation in tenders and providing services to major Ukrainian entities;
- development and improvement of ISA audit methodology;
- conducting an active marketing efforts to call in new potential clients.
- changes in the Company’s organizational structure, establishing the branches;
- implementing the internal system of budgeting;
- providing services of accounting automation.
- audit engagements at leading entities of Ukraine;
- building up a high-capacity material and technical basis;
- opening the new office;
- development of consultancy section.
- participation in reorganization of JSC “Ukrgasprom”, dissolution of JSC “Ukrgas” and establishing of the National JSC “Naftogas ofUkraine”;
- arrangement of productive co-operation with Verkhovna Rada Committee on financial issues and banking activity, NBU, State Tax Administration of Ukraine;
- obtaining license to provide legal services, legal services for entities, providing reciprocal offsetting.
- co-operation with the State Property Fund of Ukraine;
- arranging specific purposes seminars for banking establishments and business entities;
- improvement of audit methodology.
- the company founded;
- licence to provide audit services obtained;
- audit services for business entities and banking establishments.